Attention is our greatest asset.
You can have all the time in the world, but if your attention is taken by people and things that de-energize you all day long, then you're not maximizing what's available to you for optimum living.
Where your focus goes, energy flows. Find the right equilibrium of your daily attention by balancing out the situations, people, and media that energizes you versus the ones that suck the life out of you.
The ones that drains us can often times be out of our control. This could be your teenager's drama, spouse annoyance, work overload, a significant event in the world, etc. The things that drains us are endless. If we focus and feed those emotions (anger, worry, jealousy, assumptions), we expand our state of suffering...and no amount of $$$ can fix that.
If instead we can shift to focusing on the emotions that drive us forward and helps us create a life of meaning and freedom, then we'll be maximizing our greatest asset available to us.
How To Revamp Energy Levels?
Personally, what energizes me ranges from spending time with my family, workouts, Brazilian music, hiking in nature, the beach, podcasts, books, hanging around positive people, having quiet time (often only available in the wee hours of the morning before anyone is up), being of service/helpful to others, being in a state of gratitude daily.
When I'm off kilter, I know I need to reset and plug in some of those activities back in the routine.
Find what works for you. Take note of the activities and people that energize you. Make sure you're getting a daily dose of energizing boosting events. It's the only way to combat the ever changing and unpredictable world that we live in.
-Coach Kendrick
PS- If you're looking for a place with a positive & energizing group of people, come join one of our amazing workouts at Studio K-Fit. Guaranteed energy boost for the day!