The Dream Team
Kendrick Ribeiro, MS, MBA, CSCS
Founder, Programming Director

Kendrick started learning and developing his craft while in college studying Exercise Science. Upon moving to California in 2008, Kendrick started training at a small personal training studio in downtown Menlo Park. It was there where he gained the confidence to create his own style based on the results his clients were achieving.
As the demand for classes grew, Kendrick sought to expand his business and opened Studio K-Fit in 2013. He later developed small group sessions based on the similar philosophy he was using with his personal training clients; plenty of cardio blended with strength (functional training) exercises and a healthy dose of core work. The workouts are geared to engage the entire body, maximizing caloric expenditure.
His goal with Studio K-Fit was to create a non-intimidating and extremely friendly personal training studio where everyone knows each other by name.
Kendrick holds a Masters in Health and Nutrition Education, an Executive MBA, and a Bachelors in Exercise Science. While in College, Kendrick completed his minor in pre-med with his eyes set on med school, until he realized his true calling in the fitness and wellness field.
His qualifications include:
Masters in Health and Nutrition Education
Executive Masters in Business Administration
Bachelor of Exercise Science and Health Promotion
NSCA- Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
ACE Personal Training certification
Positive Psychology Certification
Published Fitness author
Running Coach
As the demand for classes grew, Kendrick sought to expand his business and opened Studio K-Fit in 2013. He later developed small group sessions based on the similar philosophy he was using with his personal training clients; plenty of cardio blended with strength (functional training) exercises and a healthy dose of core work. The workouts are geared to engage the entire body, maximizing caloric expenditure.
His goal with Studio K-Fit was to create a non-intimidating and extremely friendly personal training studio where everyone knows each other by name.
Kendrick holds a Masters in Health and Nutrition Education, an Executive MBA, and a Bachelors in Exercise Science. While in College, Kendrick completed his minor in pre-med with his eyes set on med school, until he realized his true calling in the fitness and wellness field.
His qualifications include:
Masters in Health and Nutrition Education
Executive Masters in Business Administration
Bachelor of Exercise Science and Health Promotion
NSCA- Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
ACE Personal Training certification
Positive Psychology Certification
Published Fitness author
Running Coach
Angie Ribeiro, BS, ACTION, K-Fit
Trainer, Studio Manager

Besides being the better half, Angie is the brains of the operation and keeps everything running smoothly at Studio K-Fit. She was a full time trainer before their son, Gio was born in 2016. Daughter Sofia followed in 2019. Growing up in Pennsylvania, Angie was an Elite gymnast and went on to coach gymnastics in high school and college. She currently is in charge of marketing and client relations.
Areas of Specialty:
Areas of Specialty:
- Marketing
- Management
- Weight Loss
- Core Training
Coach Katie Cromie, NASM, K-Fit
K-Fit HIIT Coach
Katie was part of K-Fit for 3 years as a member before becoming a coach. She was born and raised in Menlo Park and attended Kings Academy in Sunnyvale, where she later was a teacher and soccer coach. She also worked in architectural design before her teaching days.
She has two beautiful kids; Tyson and Natalie. Her hubby John is strong as an Ox and serves as K-Fit's bodyguard. Katie is one of those people that just lights up the room when she walks in. She's got a great attitude and a helpful nature about her. Favorite healthy dish: I love a good healthy breakfast — avocado toast or overnight oats or a smoothie bowl with some homemade granola Favorite treat: Coldstone cake batter ice cream Unique fact: I was on the Price is Right in college and won 16 rolls of wallpaper and his + hers watches Favorite part of being a coach: It’s the positive vibe for me! I love connecting with members, connecting them with each other, and watching community happen. Folks showing up consistently and putting in the work to prioritize their health is so inspiring and energizing to me! |
Coach Elizabeth Andersen, BA, K-Fit
K-Fit HIIT Coach

Hailing from Summit, New Jersey. Liz was the youngest of three. Her two older brother brothers played multiple sports which inspired her to play field hockey and lacrosse. She attended Lehigh University and graduated with a BA in Economics.
She met her husband during her time in the city (San Fran) but he worked down in Palo Alto for a medical device company. After a few years, she moved down to the peninsula and got a job with the same medical device company.
Liz did not own a car until she was 30 so she would either get around by walking, biking or roller blading. That was my main form of exercise when I had little money and lots of time.
Liz currently lives in Menlo Park and has three wonderful kids, Christian, Sigrid and Leah.
She spent most of her working career in medical device start ups in marketing communications, but today she's excited about her new role:
"I am happy to be trying a new direction by becoming a fitness coach. I find the community a positive influence on all the aspects of my life."
Favorite Healthy Dish: Roasted carrots with spiced yogurt sauce
Favorite Treat: Potato Chips – ANY FLAVOR
Unique fact: Moved to San Francisco from the East coast on whim when I was 25.
Favorite part of being a K-Fit Coach: Helping to build a community of people that want to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
She met her husband during her time in the city (San Fran) but he worked down in Palo Alto for a medical device company. After a few years, she moved down to the peninsula and got a job with the same medical device company.
Liz did not own a car until she was 30 so she would either get around by walking, biking or roller blading. That was my main form of exercise when I had little money and lots of time.
Liz currently lives in Menlo Park and has three wonderful kids, Christian, Sigrid and Leah.
She spent most of her working career in medical device start ups in marketing communications, but today she's excited about her new role:
"I am happy to be trying a new direction by becoming a fitness coach. I find the community a positive influence on all the aspects of my life."
Favorite Healthy Dish: Roasted carrots with spiced yogurt sauce
Favorite Treat: Potato Chips – ANY FLAVOR
Unique fact: Moved to San Francisco from the East coast on whim when I was 25.
Favorite part of being a K-Fit Coach: Helping to build a community of people that want to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Coach Adam Joy, BS, K-Fit
K-Fit HIIT Coach

Where are you from originally? How long have you been living in the Bay Area?
I was born in Australia, where I met my amazing wife, Christine. We moved with her work 9 years ago and have been here ever since. Last year we both became US citizens which is very exciting!
Share a bit of your journey to becoming a K-Fit Coach?
I had been one of those Yo-Yo dieters, and those 'diets' were always based on restricting any kind of food that I loved and trying desperately to keep the weight down. As a new year's resolution in 2022 I decided to work on a balanced exercise plan and healthy relationship with food. The group camaraderie and trainers at K-Fit kept me motivated, and my positive relationship with food led me to losing 60lbs. My amazing coach, Sawyer, recommended me as a trainer and I can only say it was extraordinarily humbling and an opportunity for me to give back just a little bit of what I was gifted at K-Fit.
Favorite Healthy Dish:
Christine makes this amazing Lemon, Chicken and Spinach Risotto. It's a great balance of protein, carbohydrates and your greens.
Favorite Treat:
That's a tough one haha, I would have to say the chocolate coated strawberries, you can enjoy a few and not feel guilty about having a sweet! (p.s you can buy them at Costco)
Unique fact:
I rode horses right through my younger years and was selected to be on a development program to ride at the olympics in dressage.
Favorite part of being a K-Fit Coach:
The people, 100%. From my amazing students, who are also my classmates, who push themselves every day to be better. The coaches who influence and shape who I am as a person and a coach, and to the broader K-Fit team who keeps things running smoothly and ensures that every person who joins up makes a great addition to what we all want to achieve - a happy, healthy and active life.
Coach Jennifer Hermesmeyer, BS, K-Fit
K-Fit HIIT Coach

Sawyer is a huge fan of the K-Fit community and loves contributing as a workout class participant and coach! She comes to Studio K-Fit with a background in playing team sports so the inclusive feel is very important to her. She is originally from the Bay Area, but she went to college in New England and spent 3 years eating her way through the pizza slices of New York City. She spends her work days teaching elementary school children and her free days going on hikes, cheering for the San Francisco Giants and many other teams, and baking all sorts of sweet treats!
Favorite Healthy Dish: caprese salad
Favorite Treat: ice cream!
Unique fact: Sawyer has cut and donated her hair 5 times!
Favorite part of being a K-Fit Coach: My favorite part about being a K-Fit coach is engaging with the amazing people in the K-Fit community! I also love hearing and supporting a good ringing of the bell after a PR!
Sawyer Hulbert, BS, K-Fit
K-Fit HIIT Coach

Sawyer is a huge fan of the K-Fit community and loves contributing as a workout class participant and coach! She comes to Studio K-Fit with a background in playing team sports so the inclusive feel is very important to her. She is originally from the Bay Area, but she went to college in New England and spent 3 years eating her way through the pizza slices of New York City. She spends her work days teaching elementary school children and her free days going on hikes, cheering for the San Francisco Giants and many other teams, and baking all sorts of sweet treats!
Favorite Healthy Dish: caprese salad
Favorite Treat: ice cream!
Unique fact: Sawyer has cut and donated her hair 5 times!
Favorite part of being a K-Fit Coach: My favorite part about being a K-Fit coach is engaging with the amazing people in the K-Fit community! I also love hearing and supporting a good ringing of the bell after a PR!
Laurel Francesconi; BS, NASM

Laurel has a BS in Biology and is nationally certified as a personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She also has certifications in Adaptive Fitness and Corrective Exercise. Laurel entered this field because while her extended family was blessed with longevity, they were not always blessed with quality of life. She decided that if she were to live to be 100, it wouldn't be in a wheelchair. Her goal is to help others glide into and through their golden years on their own two feet and that process can never start too soon. In addition to training at Studio K-Fit, Laurel works with older adults at Vi Living, formerly Classic Residence by Hyatt and teaches classes at PAMF with a registered dietitian focused on making healthy lifestyle choices. As a mother of two adult children, she is qualified to coach parents who want to establish better habits for their families.
In her free time, Laurel enjoys golf, skiing and cooking. She loves everything about food except doing the dishes!
Areas of Specialty:
In her free time, Laurel enjoys golf, skiing and cooking. She loves everything about food except doing the dishes!
Areas of Specialty:
- General Fitness and Health
- Adaptive Fitness (working with physical issues, imbalances, etc.)
- Muscle toning
- Weight Loss
- Core Strength
- Balance
- Posture