I thought we could kick off with 9 Tips to help you elevate physically, mentally and emotionally in this new year:
1.) The world is better today than it's ever been in the history of mankind. It may sound like a bold statement, but if you dig through history (simply the past 100 years) you'll notice that to be true as well. Yet so many people don't believe it. Negativity is loud and positivity is quiet. Social media (and other media outlets) have flooded society. The sharing of negative events has been amplified exponentially.
Everyone has a camera and access to the world wide web to share every little detail of life. Bad things have always happened. It's just that today we actually have access to see it and consume it 24/7. This is toxic for our brain, emotional health and overall well being. Media consumption control is a must for us all. You are in control. Consume wisely.
2.) Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe. In the 9 years that we've been in business, I would say that currently we have the most dedicated cohort of members. These people are the go getters that won't let obstacles get in the way of their #1 priority: their health. They also happen to be a friendly and supportive crew. It's much easier to get (and stay) in shape when you're surrounded by the right tribe. The behavior you're trying to adapt is the normal behavior in that tribe, so it's easier to attain results.
3.) Find inner peace daily. You don't need to be on a quiet mountaintop or be on the beach listening to the waves crashing. In fact, it's better to implement micro inner peace moments with your day to day life. Whether you're in the shower, driving or simply waiting in line at the grocery store- shift to a gratitude mentality and take a couple slow, deep breaths. The deep breath exhales stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which triggers a relaxation response in your body.
4.) Build Positive Relationships. “Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher. Life is already filled with those who want to bring you down.” ~Oprah
5.) Master Your Sleep. As more studies come out on the power of a good night's sleep, the more we realize how crucial it is for our health. Cut screen time 2 hours before bed. TV and computer screen (or any intense lighting) greatly impacts your circadian rhythms. This is basically a 24 hour physiological clock that controls your hormonal balance, amongst many things. At nighttime, there is greater melatonin release and that is related to the lack of light.
6.) Tracking keeps you on track. Being conscious and mindful of what you're doing is an easy way to get fit. How many times have we sat in front of the computer for 5+ hours without even noticing it? Or ate one too many bites of that carb rich treat. The moment we become conscious of the amount of movement we do, and how much we are eating, everything changes. Keep a notebook if it helps you (I use the notes app on my phone).
Be honest of how much quality exercise you actually did during the week. Two workouts weekly is only 8 out of the 30 days in one month. Maybe enough for maintenance, but nowhere near the proper amount for significant changes. Any change you want to make in life, start with tracking on a daily basis. It's the best way to stay consistent.
7.) Add the Catalyst. There's no better way to accelerate weight loss than adding exercise into your daily routine. Beyond the physical benefits, you'll also reap major mental advantages, such as reduction in anxiety, depression and improved cognitive functions as indicated in this study.
If you're not doing a K-Fit Workout, here's a simple 30 min walk/jog interval to kickstart your day:
Walk for 5 min, then jog for 5 minutes
Walk for 4 min, then jog for 4 minutes
Walk for 3 min, then jog for 3 minutes
Walk for 2 min, then jog a little faster for 2 minutes
Walk for 1 min, then run fast for 1 minute
8.) Add Structure. Action Alleviates Anxiety. Having a plan in front of you helps with taking action when needed. Are your workouts scheduled this week?
9.) More Hope Based Vs Fear Based Mentality: We have a 2 million year old brain that always looks for what is wrong. It scans for danger. It will never stop doing it. Today's media makes billions off your survival software, and if we stay in primitive mode, it's a daily battle of our brains versus reality. You have to make a conscious decision to constantly override that survival software and make a decision to say, “Life is too short to suffer.” Ruminating on stressful thoughts will constantly create more suffering in your life.
Upgrade your software by disengaging in those stressful thoughts. The thoughts will come, just don’t feed it. Meditation can do wonders in terms of helping you develop the brain brake system for thoughts that you don’t want to entertain. Just let them pass.
Exercise can inject amazing neurotransmitters and hormones that will literally change the biochemistry in your body, allowing for more positive emotions to flood the brain.
You have what it takes to make 2022 your healthiest year yet. We are here to help! Let’s GO!!