The fact is you cannot control some things that may happen during the day. Earthquakes may happen, stocks may crash, pandemics may worsen, your friend may cancel on you and your boss may end up unhappy with your work.
No matter what may arise, there are ways to better equip ourselves for the day ahead. One of the best ways is priming correctly at the beginning of the day.
Let’s look at some successful individuals who are doing it right first thing in the morning:
- Warren Buffett advocates reading 500 pages per day because that’s how knowledge builds up like compound interest. He’s up at 6:45am to get started on his reading.
- Dwayne “the rock” is at the gym by 4am to get an edge on the competition.
- Oprah Winfrey usually wakes up around 6am and gets her day going by walking the dogs, followed by chai tea or a cappuccino, exercise, meditation, and breakfast.
- Starbucks Exec Howard Schultz gets up at 4:30am to walk his dogs, exercise, and then he makes coffee to get the day going.
- Jack Dorsey, co-founder and CEO of Twitter and Square, wakes at 5am to meditate, exercise, and make coffee. This is done before checking in for his work day.
Whether it’s exercising, reading, writing gratitude moments, meditation or simply enjoying your morning cup of joe, the most successful people share something in common- They prime for success. Yes, some have to get up very early to do so, but this behavior allows them to take a little more control of their life. They are not reacting and filling their minds with news, alerts and emails first thing in the morning. Those things are inevitable but are much better handled with a properly primed mindset.
This is not just for famous people by the way. Long time clients at Studio K-Fit have daily rituals they have adapted in order to get a healthy rhythm in their day.
Maybe exercising at 4 am is not your thing, or maybe early mornings just don’t work for you. That's ok. The idea is to establish a routine of at least 10 minutes each day that will get you charged up in the right mindset so you can carry out your goals for the day and also tackle challenges that may come your way.
By conditioning your mindset properly, you can actually change your biochemistry. And by changing your biochemistry on a regular basis, you slowly begin to utilize your potential.
When you maximize your potential, you’re able to develop the best version of yourself. Not someone’s idea of you, or your idea of yourself planted by others. You begin to live life by your own terms and conditions.
Purify your day by adapting activities that charge you up. Something like a K-Fit HIIT workout at Studio K-Fit may just do the trick ;)
Let’s Move!